Eligibility for Membership

Eligibility for Membership

Members of the Biological Society of Cyprus (CBS) can be:

A) Regular Members

Regular members are the founding members, as well as the subsequently registered members who live permanently or work in Cyprus (Cypriots or foreigners) at the time of registration and have a degree or postgraduate degree or research project related to Biological Sciences. They are all the founding members and all the approved Prospective members who served for at least one year as Prospective members.

B) Prospective Members

Prospective members can be citizens who live permanently or work in Cyprus (Cypriots or foreigners) and at the time of their registration have a degree or postgraduate degree or research project related to Biological Sciences. Students of Biological sciences (Cypriots or foreigners) either Undergraduate or Postgraduate can register as Prospective members and remain Prospective members until graduation. The student registration fee and the annual subscription is 50% of the registration fee or the annual subscription of the Prospective and Regular members.


C) Corporate members

Corporate members can be companies, organisations, unions, associations, groups, or other similar legally registered organisations that show interest in the activities of SBS. The Corporate members can attend meetings of CBS with their representative.

D) Honorary Members

The General Assembly may, by a simple majority, declare lifelong Honorary members upon a relevant proposal of the Board. The Board has the right to declare, during the period of its term, as Honorary members, individuals who have proven to have contributed to the achievement of the Society’s goals.


E) Associate Members

Associate Members are permanent residents abroad (Cypriots or foreigners), who meet all the provisions for registration as Regular and / or Prospective members in terms of qualifications.

New Member Registration:

The registration of a new member is finalised after an application is received that is supported by two (2) Regular members of the Society where possible and is accompanied by the registration fee (20 euro) which is the first annual subscription.

The approval or not of a new member is at the discretion of the majority of the Governing Body.

In case the application is rejected the applicant has the right to submit a new application after six months.

A member is entitled to withdraw after a written notice to the Governing Body, in which case the member must pay and settle any obligations to the Society and the Society to the member.

Subscription Fees and Annual Subscription:

  • Member registration fee: €20 which also counts as the first annual subscription
  • Annual membership fee: €20 for Regular, Prospective and Associate Members. There is a 50% discount for students
  • Annual membership fee for corporate members: €200

Cancellation of Membership:
A Regular member is struck off the registry when he / she fails to comply with the statutes and decisions of the General Assembly or the Governing Body or does not settle his /her financial obligations. The Prospective members are removed by simple act of the Governing Body sufficiently reasoned. Regular Members are removed by decision of the Governing Body, which is taken after a Governing Body meeting, in which the interested member is invited in writing to be given the opportunity to attend and present his views. The decision of the Governing Body of CBS is final regarding the member.

Members’ Rights:
Regular members who have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Society have the right to attend and vote at General Meetings and the right to “elect and be elected” in the management of the Society. Regular members also have all other rights as stated by the Statutes. Prospective, Corporate, Honorary, Associate members may attend the General Assembly (except for electoral and Statutory General Assemblies) and express opinions without having the right to vote and be voted.
Board Members who have fulfilled all their financial obligations to the Society have the right to attend and vote at General Assemblies and the right to “elect and be elected” in the management of the Association. Members also have any other rights under the Articles of Statutes. The other members (Prospective, Corporate, Honorary) may attend the General Assembly (except for electoral and Statutory General Elections) and express opinions without having the right to vote and to “elect and be elected”.

All Regular, Prospective, Associate and Honorary members are entitled to participate in all the international organisations to which CBS participates or is a member and to receive scholarships, to organise and participate in workshops etc. The Board is entitled to make an agreement with each Corporate member for his/her participation or its members in these international organisations in which CBS participates or is a member.

Membership is not representative and is neither transferable nor inherited.

Obligations of members:
Each member has the following obligations, in addition to any other obligations arising from the Statute.

(A) To comply with the provisions of the Statute, the decisions of the General Assembly and the Governing Body.
(B) All members, except for Honorary members, shall be required to pay their annual subscription as provided for in Article 5.

Please contact us on the email: membership@cbs.cy