Dr Emmanuel Frangoulis
Professor of Biochemistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, GREECE
Horonoray Member of Cyprus Biological Society
Member of the European Academy of Sciences & Arts (May 2009 –
Prof. Emmanuel Fragoulis was born in Sitia, Crete (Greece) on January 15th 1947. He received the B.Sc. in Natural Sciences in 1972 from the Faculty of Science of the University of Athens. After wards he began to work as a research assistant sponsored by Deutche Forschung Gemeinschaft in the Institute of Physiological Chemistry of Marburg University’s under Prof. P. Karlson. Two years later, he received his Ph.D. in Natural Sciences at the University of Marburg (Grade “Very Good”.)
After a year’s service in the National Air Forces of Greece, Prof. Fragoulis was appointed as a junior lecturer in the Department of Biology at the University of Athens. As such he visited for several time periods during the years,1977 and 1978 the German Cancer Research Center for specific joint research project with Prof Dr C. G. Sekeris as a D.A.A.D. (Deutsche Academische Austausche Dienst) and EMBO fellow. During 1979 and 1980 he worked at the Max Plank Institute for Cell Biology with Professor Traub as Humboldt scholarship holder.
In November 1982, he was elected a Reader of Biochemistry by the Academic Board of the School of Physics and Mathematics at Athens University. In 1982,1985 1989, he visited again for several time periods the Max Planck Institute of Cell Biology sponsored by EMBO and Humboldt Scholarships as visiting Professor.
In 1992, he was elected as Professor of Biochemistry by Electoral Committee consisting of Professors of the Faculty of Biology and Professors of Biochemistry of Greek Universities. He was elected several times as chairman of the Department Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Chairman of the Faculty of Biology in 1992-1994 and 2009-2013,Chairman of the Interdepartmental Committee for post graduate studies in Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2004-2014 2012: was appointed as Dean of School of Science in the University of Athens .
2014: He was honoured by a decision of the senate of University of Athens as Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry
Prof. Fragoulis appointed: As chairman of the Governing Board of the Biomedical Science Research Center “A. Flemng”. As a member of National Advisory Board for Research and Technology 19821984 and 1993-1996 and as a Secretary General for Science and Technology of Greek government during the period 1996-1999.Under this capacity, he participated as National representer in different assemblies of the European Ministers for Research, and in Eureka and Cost Ministerial Conferences during the years 1996-1999. He was appointed also as President of the National Center for Public Administration (2001-2004), as vice Chairman and Chairman of Federation European of Biochemical Societies (FEBS) (2009-2011). as member (2004-2010) and vice president of the Governmential Board of Hellenic National Center for the Research, Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes mellitus and its complications (2010-2014) and as Chairman of the Board of Governors of Eugenideion therapeutirio (2013-2015)
Prof. Fragoulis was elected in 2009 as a full member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Since 2016, is elected chairman of Science and Society Committee of Federation of European Biochemical Society (FEBS) and active member of Biomed Alliance
His research activities ranged from purification,and characterization and study of Dopa decarboxylase , the cloning of the gene and his use as biomarker in several types of cancer.Prof fragoulis research interests are also extended in the purification and characterization of Poly (U), Poly(C) specific ribonuclease as well as their coding gene. He published more than 70 full papers and three reviews well reputated by the International Society.
- He has been for 6 years the President of the Department of Biology of the University of Athens.
- He has been a Member of the University Senate of the University of Athens for 6 years.
- He has been the Dean for 2 years at the School of Sciences of the University of Athens.
- Published in peer-reviewed scientific journals more than 60 papers on subjects mainly related to the Biochemistry of Eukaryotic Enzymes.
- Presented several papers at conferences nationally and internationally.
- Given more than 80 lectures at various conferences, Research Centres and Universities, as well as to international organisations.
- Supervised 25 doctoral dissertations at the University of Athens and has actively participated in more than 120 advisory and more than 150 examination committees for doctoral candidates.
- Served as a reviewer of research proposals nationally and internationally.
- Secured various research projects at a competitive level to support his research projects.
- Member of conference organising committees and secretary at international conferences on Molecular Insect Biology in Heraklion, Crete, in 1978, and in Electrophoresis in Athens, in 1982.
- Chairman of the Organising Committee of the 33rd FEBS and the 11th IUBMB Conference in Athens in 2008.
- Member of the FEBS Committee “Science and Society”
European activities
- 2012 Elected member of the FEBS European Council to the Science and Society Committee
- 2011 Elected member of the FEBS Science and Society Committee
- 2010 President of the European Federation of Biochemical Societies (FEBS)
- 2009 Vice-President of the European Federation of Biochemical Societies (FEBS)
- 1999 National Representative at the OECD Ministerial Conference on Configuration Policy in Research and Technology (Paris, June 1999).
- National Representative at the Conference of Ministers participating in the Eureka Program (Istanbul, 1999)1998 National Representative to the 42nd General Assembly of the World Atomic Energy Agency (Vienna, September 1998).
- National Representative at the Conference of Ministers participating in the Eureka Program (Lisbon, 1998).
- 1997 Deputy National Representative at the Ministerial Conference on Information Networks (Bonn, July 1997).
- National Representative at the Conference of Ministers participating in the COST Program (Prague, May 1997).
- Representative at the Ministerial Meeting on Research (London, April 1997).
- National Representative at the Conference of Ministers participating in the Eureka Program (London, 1997).
- 1996 – 1999 National Representative in 11 different meetings of European Research Ministers in frameworks for the 4th European Framework Program for Research
- 1996 National Representative in the European Federation of Biochemical Societies.
- National Representative at the Conference of Ministers participating in the Eureka Program (Brussels, 1996).
- 1995 National Representative to the Assembly of the International Federation of Biochemistry
- 1994 National Representative in the European Federation of Biochemical Companies
Honorary Distinctions
- Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Foundation for the years 1979 – 1980 and for three months in the years 1982, 1985 and 1989
- Fellow of the German Academic Exchange Service
- Fellow of the European Organisation for Molecular Biology (Short Scholarships – various years)
- Fellow of the German Research Association (1972 – 1974)
- Full Member of the European Academy of Sciences since 2009
Other activities
- Member of the Drafting Committee of the Internal Regulations and Organisation of the University of Athens (2013)
- Member of the evaluation team for the evaluation of the Department of Human Biology at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus (2009)
- General Secretary of the Hellenic Biochemical and Biophysical Society 1984-1988
- President of the Hellenic Biochemical and Biophysical Society 1994-1996
- Member of the German Society for Biological Chemistry since 1976
- Member of the Central Examinations Committee for admission to Higher Education Institutions during the years 1983-1995
- Member of the National Committee for the Evaluation of National Research Centres (September 1995)
- Member of various examination committees of the Foundation for State Scholarships
- Member of various evaluation committees of Directors of Institutes of various Research Centres